Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Do you know BALI ? Pulau Dewata, or in English means " The Island of God ". One of the most famous island located within the archipelago of Indonesia, culturally and linguistically, the Balinese are thus closely related to the peoples of the Indonesian archipelago, the Philippines, and Oceania. It is lying between Java to the west and Lombok to the east. Bali was inhabited by Austronesian peoples by about 2000 BC who migrated originally from Taiwan through Maritime Southeast Asia.
(pic source :


Ubud has a population of about 8,000 people, but it is becoming difficult to distinguish the town itself from the villages that surround it. 8th century legend tells of a Javanese priest, Rsi Markendya, who meditated at the confluence of two rivers (an auspicious site for Hindus) at the Ubud locality of Campuan. Here he founded the Gunung Lebah Temple on the valley floor, the site of which remains a pilgrim destination. Ubud gets its name from the Balinese word ubad (medicine).
The main street is Jalan Raya Ubud (Jalan Raya means main road), which runs east-west through the center of town. Two long roads, Jalan Monkey Forest and Jalan Hanoman, extend south from Jalan Raya Ubud. Puri Saren Agung is a large palace located at the intersection of Monkey Forest and Raya Ubud roads. The home of Tjokorda Gede Agung Sukawati (1910-1978), the last "king" of Ubud, it is now occupied by his descendants and dance performances are held in its courtyard. It was also one of Ubud's first hotels, dating back to the 1930s.

The Ubud Monkey Forest
The Ubud Monkey Forestis a sacred nature reserve located near the southern end of Jalan Monkey Forest. It houses a temple and approximately 340 Crab-eating Macaque (Macaca fascicularis) monkeys. This is a picture of an Ubud monkey mother with her lil monkey. It was taken by D.Meutia.

The Moon of Pejeng & Elephant Cave
The Moon of Pejeng, is the largest single-cast bronze kettle drum in the world, dated from circa 300BC.It is kept at Pura Penataran Asih Temple in Pejeng. It is a popular destination for tourists interested in local culture, as is the 11th century Goa Gajah, or 'Elephant Cave', temple complex. The enterance of this cave is as seen in the picture taken by a wikimedia user named China_Chrisis on 2005.

Gunung Kawi , Tampaksiring.
Gunung Kawi
(Poet Mountain), Tampaksiring (18 km n
ortheast from Ubud). 7AM-5PM daily. Dating from the eleventh century, this is presumed to be the burial complex of King Anak Wungsu and his many wives.The smaller complex on the south side of the river is presumed to have been built for the King's wives, while the larger complex is thought to have been the residence of the King himself, and perhaps his concubines. You must take off your shoes before entering into the central pura complex. gunung Kawi picture was also taken by China_Chrisis. (

Pura Kehen ( Kehen Temple )
Pura Kehen (Kehen Temple), Jl Sriwijaya, Bangli (just north of Bangli town centre, which itself is about 30 minutes north east from Ubud). 8AM-5PM daily. One of the most attractive temples in the whole of Bali, and as it is slightly off the beaten path, one which receives relatively few visitors. The temple was founded in 1206, and has an especially impressive 11-tiered meru in the inner courtyard. When you visit here take a little extra time to look around Bangli. It is a quiet and attractive market town. Rp 6,000.

Puri Saren Agung (Water Palace)
Puri Saren Agung
(Royal Palace, Water Palace), (across Jl Raya Ubud from Ubud Market). 9AM-5PM daily. This was the palace of the kings of Ubud until the 1940s, and some royal descendants live there to this day. Parts of
the complex are off limits to the public, but entry to the rest is free, and this is Ubud's best setting for dance performances.

Tirta Empul, Tampaksiring
Tirta Empul, Tampaksiring (20 km northeast from Ubud). 8AM-6PM daily. One of the holiest temples in Bali built around hot springs that still bubble in the central courtyard. The Balinese come here to bathe and purify themselves physically and spiritually, and during Galungan, the sacred barong masks are bathed here. The complex dates to 960, but the present buildings are largely modern reconstructions. ( picture by Katja Kuusikumpu)

Ubud tourism focuses on culture, yoga and nature. In contrast to the main tourist area in southern Bali, the Ubud area has forests, rivers, cooler temperatures and less congestion although traffic has increased dramatically in the 21st century. A number of smaller "boutique"-style hotels are located in and around Ubud, which commonly offer spa treatments or treks up Ubud's mountains.

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