Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Asia is the world's largest and most populous continent. With approximation of 4 billion people, it obviously hosts more than 50 % of the human population in this world. Asia in Greek mythology was a daughter of Oceanus and Tethys, the wife of the Titan Iapetus, and mother of Atlas, Prometheus, Epimetheus and Menoetius. ( picture from :

T.R. Reid said that the term "Asia" is originally a concept exclusively of Western civilization. The peoples of ancient Asia (Chinese, Japanese, Indians, Persians, Arabs etc.) never conceived the idea of Asia, simply because they did not see themselves collectively. In their perspective, they were vastly varied civilizations, contrary to ancient European belief.

The history of Asia can be seen as the distinct histories of several peripheral coastal regions : East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia and the Middle East. There are more than 40 countries listed within the boundary of Asia with more than 600 languages are spoken in Indonesia, more than 800 languages spoken in India and more than 100 are spoken in the Philippines. China, Japan, and also Korea have many languages and dialects in different provinces. Not only the countries and languages, but also religions and cultures in Asia are very interesting. Almost all Asian religions have philosophical character and Asian philosophical traditions cover a large spectrum of philosophical thoughts and writings. Indian philosophy includes Hindu philosophy and Buddhist philosophy . They include elements of nonmaterial pursuits, whereas another school of thought from India, Carvaka, preached the enjoyment of material world. Christianity is also present in most Asian countries. These are all the reason to come to ASIA. Feel the the difference of the atmosphere within every place and every nature, and touch the beauty of the Eastern culture in every place visited in Indonesia, India, Thailand, Japan , Korea, and many others. Visit Asia!
( map source : )

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